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Day: February 7, 2023


Indian Civil Service Officers – Current Capacity & Various Positions

செய்திகள் இந்தியா Indian Civil Service Officers – Current Capacity & Various Positions Manoj Yadav (IPS:1988:HY) DG, NHRC is likely to be appointed as New Director of National Police Academy (NPA), Hyderabad. Manharsinh L Yadav (IFS:2007), Director, PMO, New Delhi deputation tenure comes to an end. Pankaj Upadhyay (IDAS:2010) was appointedContinue Reading


Mind Voice World news – Exclusive “Erdoğan Declares Turkey’s Worst Earthquake in 84 Years a National Disaster” Cataclysmic Earthquake Shakes South-Eastern Turkey and Syria with Devastating Consequences” – Update…

செய்திகள் இந்தியா Mind Voice World news – Exclusive “Erdoğan Declares Turkey’s Worst Earthquake in 84 Years a National Disaster” Cataclysmic Earthquake Shakes South-Eastern Turkey and Syria with Devastating Consequences” – Update… A rescue operation is under way across southern Turkey and northern Syria following a huge earthquake that claimed moreContinue Reading