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Day: January 25, 2024


India’s Economic Trajectory: Resilient Growth Amid Challenges

Business India India’s Economic Trajectory: Resilient Growth Amid Challenges As India gears up for the anticipated 2024 budget, recent findings from a Reuters poll underscore the nation’s pivotal role as the fastest-growing major economy in the upcoming fiscal years. Projections indicate a robust growth rate of 6.9% in the currentContinue Reading


Act Now! Potential Exemptions for Bing & Edge Under EU’s DMA

Technology Other Act Now! Potential Exemptions for Bing & Edge Under EU’s DMA Microsoft’s search engine Bing, browser Edge, and advertising services are poised to escape classification as gatekeepers under Europe’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), according to recent reports. The DMA, effective in March, designates certain services by major techContinue Reading