2G Verdict Under Fire: Government's Supreme Court Challenge Unveiled!

The Centre has approached the Supreme Court, requesting a revision of its 2012 ruling on the allocation of spectrum resources, particularly concerning the auctioning process. This move aims to enable the assignment of spectrum through administrative procedures under certain circumstances, deviating from the auction mandate outlined in the earlier verdict.

In its landmark judgment of 2012, the Supreme Court invalidated 2G spectrum licenses distributed by the UPA government, emphasizing the necessity of adopting auction methods for the allocation of natural resources. However, the Centre now proposes flexibility in spectrum assignment, allowing for administrative processes in scenarios aligned with governmental functions or public interest, or when technical or economic constraints make auctions impractical.

The 2G spectrum scandal, which unfolded during the tenure of the Manmohan Singh-led UPA II government, involved illicit practices wherein mobile telephony companies were granted frequency allocation licenses at undervalued rates. These licenses were then utilized to provide 2G subscriptions for cell phones. The controversy stemmed from the allocation of 122 new second-generation (2G) Unified Access Service (UAS) licenses in 2008, priced according to 2001 rates and assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Former Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Kapil Sibal, defended the license distribution process in 2011, asserting that no financial losses were incurred. Nonetheless, the Supreme Court nullified the 122 licenses in 2012, marking a significant development in the legal aftermath of the 2G spectrum scam.

The repercussions of the 2G spectrum scandal reverberated throughout the political landscape, significantly impacting the UPA II government and its subsequent electoral prospects. Widely perceived as a pivotal factor contributing to the downfall of the Manmohan Singh administration, the controversy underscored the importance of transparent and accountable governance in India’s political discourse.

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