MIND VOICE NEWS-WhatsApp Urges Indian Users to Report and Block International Scam Calls

WhatsApp, the popular messaging app, has recently urged its users in India to report and block suspicious calls to prevent scams. With the increasing number of scams being carried out via the platform, the company has advised its users to be cautious and report any suspicious calls they receive, especially from international numbers. In addition to that, scammers are also luring people via WhatsApp messages with attractive part-time job offers.

To combat these scams, WhatsApp has requested users to report such suspicious accounts to the company. The app has invested in artificial intelligence and other technologies to ensure user safety on the platform. WhatsApp has also published monthly user safety reports containing details of user complaints received and corresponding actions taken by WhatsApp to combat abuse on the platform.

While receiving calls from international numbers doesn’t necessarily mean that the caller is from a different country, WhatsApp has provided a convenient way to block and report suspicious accounts. The app has banned over 4.7 million accounts in March alone. Users can also control who sees their personal details and online presence by using WhatsApp’s privacy controls.

It is crucial to be vigilant while interacting with strangers online. Users should always report any suspicious calls or messages they receive on WhatsApp. By doing so, they can help the company take appropriate action against scammers and ban them from the platform, making it a safer space for everyone.

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