Toxic Air Battle: Delhi vs. Mumbai - Which City Breathes Worse? - Kruthiga V S

Mumbai and Delhi are once again in a race, but not one they’d want to win. They are competing for the dubious title of having the worst air quality. According to data from the Central Pollution Control Board, as of October 19, Mumbai had an average Air Quality Index (AQI) score of 156, while Delhi was at 121.

However, in the following days, Delhi’s air quality surpassed Mumbai’s. Between October 20 and 22, Delhi’s AQI surged past 160 and even reached a peak of 340 on October 21. Mumbai, on the other hand, woke up to smog caused by increased construction activity.

Experts are concerned that both cities may face worsening air quality, setting the stage for a challenging winter.

Delhi’s Air Quality Woes

Delhi is experiencing its most polluted October since 2020, with stubble burning contributing significantly to the poor air quality. On October 21, stubble burning accounted for 21.5% of the AQI, and this is expected to rise to 30.5% on October 23.

Multiple factors, including low wind, low temperature, and local pollution sources, contribute to Delhi’s worsening air. Rainfall, which can help improve air quality by settling particulate matter, has been less frequent this October.

The ongoing cricket World Cup, illegal fireworks, and increased traffic due to festivals are also contributing to Delhi’s poor air quality.

Mumbai’s Air Pollution Concerns

Mumbai, a coastal city, has traditionally benefited from sea breezes that help disperse pollutants. However, reduced wind speeds, caused by changing weather patterns due to global warming, are trapping pollutants in the air.

Large-scale construction and infrastructure projects in Mumbai are raising dust levels, impacting air quality. Vehicular emissions and solid waste also play a role in the city’s air pollution.

Measures Being Considered

In response to deteriorating air quality, Delhi’s government is considering measures such as reducing the operating hours of trucks and implementing an odd-even scheme for vehicles. These measures will be discussed as part of a graded response action plan.

Mumbai’s Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation is taking steps to control pollution, including installing sprinklers at construction sites and deploying anti-smog guns to control dust.

The key to improving air quality in urban areas lies in reducing emissions at the source through eco-friendly technologies and renewable energy.

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