India Post Office Recruitment - 1899 Sports Person Post!

Indian Post Office invites Online applications for the recruitment of 1899 Sports Person Posts. This online facility will be available in the Official website @ or from 10.11.2023 to 09.12.2023. Before applying for the recruitment, candidates must carefully read the Indian Post Office Sports Person 2023 notification and ensure their eligibility.

Indian Post Office Recruitment 2023  [Quick Summary]

Organization Name:Indian Post Office
Notification No:W-17/55/2022-SPN-I Date: 08.11.2023 
Job Category:Central Govt Jobs 
Employment Type:Regular Basis
Total No of Vacancies: 1899 Sports Person Posts
Place of Posting: All Over India 
Starting Date: 10.11.2023 
Last Date: 09.12.2023 
Apply Mode:Online
Official Website 

Latest Indian Post Office Vacancy Details:

Indian Post Office Invites Applications for the Following Posts

SI NoName of PostsNo. of Posts
1.Postal Assistant598
2.Sorting Assistant143
4.Mail Guard03
5.Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)570


Circle-Wise, Cadre-Wise Vacancy:

Eligibility Criteria:

Educational Qualification:  

 (i) For the posts of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant: –
a) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University.
b) Knowledge of working on computer.
(ii) For the posts of Postman / Mail Guard: –
a) 12th standard pass from a recognized Board.
b) Should have passed local language of the concerned Postal Circle or Division as one of the subjects in 10th standard or above. Local language of a Postal Circle or Division shall be as at Annexure-2.
c) Knowledge of working on Computer. d) Valid license to drive two-wheeler or Light Motor Vehicle (For the post of Postman only). Persons with Benchmark Disability are exempted from the possession of license.
Note 1.- A person not possessing the knowledge of local language of the Postal Circle or Division concerned shall also be eligible for appointment. However, such person after appointment shall pass local language test to be conducted in the manner as may be decided by the Postal Circle concerned and passing of such local language test shall be a pre-condition for completion of probation.
Note 2.- A person not possessing a valid license to drive two-wheeler or light motor vehicle shall also be eligible for appointment for Postman. However, such person not having valid license to drive two-wheeler or light motor vehicle at the time of appointment shall not earn periodical increment in pay till production of such license or for a period of five years from the date of appointment, whichever is earlier, and after production of such license or expiry of such five years period, pay shall be restored prospectively to the level pay would have reached had the periodical increment in pay was not withheld and no arrears of pay shall be paid for the intervening period.
(iii) For the posts of Multi Tasking Staff: –
a) 10th standard pass from a recognized Board.


Meritorious Sportsperson:

A candidate shall be considered as meritorious sportsperson for the purpose of recruitment under this notification with reference to following criteria:

 a) Sportspersons who have represented a State or the Country in the National or International competition in any of the sports / games mentioned in Below Table.

b) Sportspersons who have represented their university in the Inter-University Tournaments conducted by the Inter-University Sports Board in any of the sports / games mentioned in Below Table.

c) Sportspersons who have represented the State School teams in the National Sports / Games for schools conducted by the All India School Games Federation in any of the sports / games mentioned in Below Table .

d) Sportspersons who have been awarded National Awards in Physical Efficiency under the National Physical Efficiency Drive.

List Of Sports Which Qualify For Appointment Of Meritorious Sportspersons:

List Of Authorities Competent To Award Certificates On Eligibility For Recruitment Of Sportspersons: –

Age Limit: (As on 09.12.2023)


1. Postal Assistant – Between 18-27 years
2. Sorting Assistant – Between 18-27 years
3. Postman – Between 18-27 years
4. Mail Guard – Between 18-27 years
5. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) – Between 18-25 years

Relaxation in upper age limit by five (5) years shall be allowed in each case. In addition, relaxation in upper age limit of five (5) years shall be allowed only to candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribe (ST) in each case. Accordingly, total 10 years of age relaxation is allowed to candidates belonging to SC/ST only. Although additional age relaxation as mentioned above shall be provided to SC/ST candidates, no post shall be reserved for any category of candidates.

Salary Details:

1. Postal Assistant – Level 4 (Rs 25,500 – Rs.81,100)
2. Sorting Assistant – Level 4 (Rs 25,500 – Rs.81,100)
3. Postman – Level 3 (Rs 21,700 – Rs.69,100)
4. Mail Guard – Level 3 (Rs 21,700 – Rs.69,100)
5. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) – Level 1 (Rs 18,000 – Rs.56,900)

Selection Process:

Indian Post Office may follow the following process to select the candidates.

1. Merit List
2. Medical Examination & Document Verification


Order Of Preference Of Sports Achievement For Preparation Of Provisional Merit List:

(i) First Preference: First preference will be given to those candidates who have represented the country in an INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION with the clearance of the Department of Youth Affairs & Sports.

(ii) Second Preference: Next preference will be given to those who have represented a State/U.T. in the SENIOR OR JUNIOR LEVEL NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS organized by the National Sports Federation recognized by Department of Youth Affairs and Sports or National Games organized by Indian Olympics Association and have won medals or positions up to 3rd place. Between the candidates participating in Senior and Junior National Championships / Games, the candidates having participated and won medal in Senior National Championship shall be given preference.

(iii) Third Preference: Next preference will be given to those who have represented a University in an INTER-UNIVERSITY COMPETITION conducted by Association of Indian Universities / Inter University Sports Board and have won medals or positions up to the 3rd place in the finals.

(iv) Fourth Preference: Next preference will be given to those who have represented the State Schools in the NATIONAL SPORTS / GAMES FOR SCHOOLS conducted by the All-India School Games Federation and have won medals or position up to 3rd place.

(v) Fifth Preference: Next preference will be given to those who have been awarded National Award in Physical Efficiency under National Physical Efficiency Drive.

(vi) Sixth Preference: Next preference will be given to those, who represented a State / Union Territory / University / State School teams at the level mentioned in categories (ii) to (iv) but could not win a medal or position in the same order of preference.

Note 1: In the event of tie, candidate who has secured a higher position shall be given the preference. If there is still tie, candidate who has won more number of medals shall be given the preference.

Note 2: Participation in individual and team event / item shall be given the same preference.


Note 3: Except in case of tie, no preference will be given for winning more than one medal / position.

Note 4: In case of any doubt about the status of a tournament, the matter will be decided in consultation with the Department of Personnel & Training and Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.

Application Fee: 

a) Fee payable: Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only)

b) Women candidates, Transgender candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) and Economically Weaker Section (EWS) are exempted from payment of fee.

c) Fee can be paid online through UPI, Net Banking, Credit / Debit Cards, etc.

How to Apply:  

Candidate(s) fulfilling all the above clearly laid down criteria will have to apply online only through the link on the Indian Post Office website in the careers webpage under current openings section i.e. from 10.11.2023 to 09.12.2023. No other mode of application will be accepted.

Important Dates: 

Starting Date for Submission of Application10.11.2023
Last date for Submission of Application09.12.2023

Official Notification & Application Link:

Indian Post Office Official Website Career PageClick Here
Indian Post Office Official Notification PDFClick Here
Online Application Form Link Activated
Indian Post Office Online Application FormClick Here