BHEL Trichy Recruitment - 680 Apprentice Post..!

BHEL Trichy invites Online applications for the recruitment of 680 Graduate Apprentice, Technician Apprentice, Trade Apprentice Posts. This online facility will be available in the Official website @ from 17.11.2023 @ 10.00 AM to 01.12.2023 @ 11.45 PM. Before applying for the recruitment, candidates must carefully read the BHEL Trichy Apprentice 2023 notification and ensure their eligibility.

BHEL Trichy Recruitment 2023  [Quick Summary]

Organization Name: Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL),Tiruchirappalli
Employment Type: Apprentice Training
Duration: One Year
Total No of Vacancies:  680 Graduate Apprentice, Technician Apprentice, Trade Apprentice Posts
Place of Posting:  Trichy 
Starting Date:  17.11.2023 @ 10.00 AM 
Last Date:  01.12.2023 @ 11.45 PM 
Apply Mode: Online
Official Website 

Latest BHEL Trichy Vacancy Details:

BHEL Trichy Invites Applications for the Following Posts

SI No Name of Posts No. of Posts
1. Graduate Apprentice 179
2. Technician Apprentice 398
3. Trade Apprentice 103
  Total 680

Graduate Apprentice Vacancies Details:

SI No Name of Posts No. of Posts
1. Accountant 06
2. Assistant-HR 10
3. Civil Engineering 34
4. Computer Science Engineering 09
5. Electrical & Electronics Engineering 06
6. Electronics & Communication Engineering 23
7. Mechanical 91
Total 179

Diploma Apprentice Vacancies Details:

SI No Name of Posts No. of Posts
1. Civil Engineering 07
2. Computer Science Engineering 09
3. Electrical & Electronics Engineering 17
4. Electronics & Communication Engineering 08
5. Instrumentation 04
6. Mechanical 58
Total 103

Trade Apprentice Vacancies Details:

SI No Name of Posts No. of Posts
1. AC Mechanic 05
2. Carpenter 03
3. Electrician 36
4. Fitter 178
5. Instrument Mechanic 09
6. Machinist 28
7. Mason 06
8. Motor Mechanic 08
9. Plumber 02
10. Turner 23
11. Welder 100
Total 398

Eligibility Criteria:

Educational Qualification:

1. Graduate Apprentice –
Graduate Apprentice (Accountant)  – Passed in 10+2, and Graduation in Commerce (B.Com.) as a regular full time candidate
Graduate Apprentice (Assistant – HR) – Passed in 10+2 and Graduation in Arts (B.A.) as a regular full time candidate
Graduate Apprentice (Civil Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering & Engineering) – Passed in 10+2 and Graduation in Engineering/ Technology as a regular full time candidate.
Minimum Educational Qualification:
– As specified above with minimum 70% marks for UR/OBC(NCL)/EWS candidates and minimum 60% marks for SC/ST Candidates, from a Government recognized Institution/University.
– Candidates who have completed their Degree course in 2021, 2022 & 2023 will only be eligible for applying in apprenticeship training in 2023. Candidates who have completed Degree through Distance Learning / Part Time / Correspondence/Sandwich courses shall not be considered for apprenticeship training in BHEL
2. Technician Apprentice –
– Minimum Educational Qualification, High School Pass and Diploma pass as a regular full time candidate of the last three years, from Govt. recognized institute, with minimum 70% marks for UR/OBC(NCL)/EWS candidates and minimum 60% marks for SC/ST Candidates.
– Candidates who have completed their Diploma courses in 2021, 2022 & 2023 will only be eligible for applying in apprenticeship training in 2023. Candidates who have completed Diploma through Distance Learning / Part Time / Correspondence/Sandwich courses shall not be considered for apprenticeship training in BHEL
3. Trade Apprentice –
– Minimum Educational Qualification: High School Pass and ITI pass as a Regular Full Time candidate of the last three years, from a NCVT/SCVT recognized institute. For all Trades except Welder in Table No1 above NCVT/SCVT certificate is required. For welder trade NCVT shall only be considered.
– Candidates who have completed their ITI course in the year 2021, 2022 & 2023 will ONLY be eligible for applying in apprenticeship training in 2023. Candidates who have completed ITI through Distance Learning / Part Time / Correspondence/Sandwich courses shall not be considered for apprenticeship training in BHEL.

Age Limit: (As on 01.11.2023)

Minimum 18 years and maximum 27 years, as on 01/11/2023 for General candidates. A relaxation of 5 years is admissible to SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC (NCL) candidates in the upper age-limit. In the case of physically Challenged persons (with minimum 40% disability), a relaxation of 10 years is admissible in the upper age-limit

Candidates Relaxation in Upper Age limit will be provided as per Govt. Rules. Go through BHEL Trichy official Notification 2023 for more reference


1. Graduate Apprentice – Rs.9000/-
2. Technician Apprentice – Rs.8000/-
3. Trade Apprentice – Rs.7700/- to Rs.8050/-

Selection Process:

BHEL Trichy may follow the following process to select the candidates.

1. Merit List
2. Certificate Verification

How to Apply:  

For Diploma Apprentice & Graduate Apprentice:

 The candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria have to first register in Ministry of Education/GOI portal – and note down their 12 digits long unique Student Enrolment No. This 12-digit Student Enrolment No. is mandatorily required for submitting online application in BHEL portal.

– After completing registration in portal, the candidates have to apply online in BHEL Trichy portal in the link –

For Trade Apprentice:

– The candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria have to first register in RDSDE (NAPS) Portal ( and note down their RDSDE (NAPS) Registration No. This registration No. is mandatorily required for submitting online application in BHEL portal.

– After completing registration in portal, the candidates have to apply online in BHEL Trichy portal in the link –

Important Dates: 

Starting Date for Submission of Application17.11.2023 @ 10.00 AM
Last date for Submission of Application01.12.2023 @ 11.45 PM

Official Notification & Application Link:

BHEL Trichy Official Website Career PageClick Here
BHEL Trichy Official Graduate Apprentice Notification PDFClick Here
BHEL Trichy Official Diploma Apprentice Notification PDFClick Here
BHEL Trichy Official Trade Apprentice Notification PDFClick Here
BHEL Trichy Online Application FormClick Here
For Diploma Apprentice & Graduate Apprentice Registration LinkClick Here
For Trade Apprentice Registration LinkClick Here