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PM Modi Vows to Bring Water to Thirsty Rajasthan Districts

செய்திகள் இந்தியா PM Modi Vows to Bring Water to Thirsty Rajasthan Districts 13-02-2023,Chennai:Mind Voice news – Rajasthan : PM Modi Vows to Quench Thirsty Rajasthan Districts with Water Supply In a recent public address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi promised to bring water to 13 districts in Rajasthan that are facing a severeContinue Reading


Indian Civil Service Officers – Current Capacity & Various Positions

செய்திகள் இந்தியா Indian Civil Service Officers – Current Capacity & Various Positions CAG G C Murmu (IAS:1985:GJ), Comptroller and Audit General of India (CAG) has been appointed as Chairman, SAI20. S Sengathir (IPS:RJ:1997) has been appointed as ADGP, Intelligence, Jaipur, Government of Rajasthan. Karan Sharma (IPS:RJ:1997) has been appointed DCP,Continue Reading


A talented young tennis player from Coimbatore, Maya Rajeshwaran Revathi, showcased her skills at the Australian Open, achieving a remarkable 5th place finish in the U-14 category…

செய்திகள் இந்தியா A talented young tennis player from Coimbatore, Maya Rajeshwaran Revathi, showcased her skills at the Australian Open, achieving a remarkable 5th place finish in the U-14 category. The Australian Open tennis tournament has made a commitment to nurturing the next generation of tennis stars, bringing young players fromContinue Reading


Lay-offs spread to media giants, will it affect India? CNN, Vox, Washington Post: US media giants announce layoffs amid economic gloom

செய்திகள் இந்தியா Lay-offs spread to media conglomerates,will it affect India? CNN, Vox, Washington Post: US media giants announce layoffs amid economic gloom Newsroom employment has seen a steady decline in the United States, falling from 114,000 to 85,000 journalists between 2008 and 2020, according to a 2021 study by theContinue Reading


Israel’s Netanyahu fires Cabinet ally, heeding court ruling

செய்திகள் இந்தியா Israel’s Netanyahu fires Cabinet ally, heeding court ruling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired a key Cabinet ally on Sunday, heeding a Supreme Court ruling commanding him to do so and deepening a rift over the power of the courts. Mr. Netanyahu announced he was firing Aryeh Deri,Continue Reading


Davos 2023: Vedanta’s mega semiconductor plant’s groundbreaking ceremony in 30-40 days, says Anil Agarwal

செய்திகள் இந்தியா Davos 2023: Vedanta’s mega semiconductor plant’s groundbreaking ceremony in 30-40 days, says Anil Agarwal The groundbreaking ceremony of Vedanta-Foxconn’s semiconductor plant in Gujarat will happen in 30-40 days, Vedanta chairman Anil Agarwal said on Thursday. “We are looking to have a ground-breaking ceremony in 30-40 days’ time, whichContinue Reading


Bitcoin rallies 25% as crypto markets rebound The bitcoin bulls are back.

செய்திகள் இந்தியா Bitcoin rallies 25% as crypto markets rebound The bitcoin bulls are back… After getting pummeled by losses for the better part of last year, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are rallying in 2023, prompting speculation that the so-called crypto winter – the digital asset world’s equivalent of a bearContinue Reading


Decoding The Cleantech Opportunity In India

செய்திகள் இந்தியா Decoding The Cleantech Opportunity In India The government’s response to today’s energy crisis asks for $2 Tn in investments in clean energy by 2030. India’s market size, comprising batteries, wind and solar PVs, could be worth $41 Bn by 2040 India is at the cusp of transforming cleantechContinue Reading


Indian Civil Service Officers – Current Capacity & Various Positions

செய்திகள் இந்தியா Indian Civil Service Officers – Current Capacity & Various Positions The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved the proposal of the Ministry of Home Affairs for grant of Apex pay scale (Level-17 of the pay matrix) to the following IPS officers: 1. A Sema Rajan (IPS:BH:1987) Director,Continue Reading


ஜோதிடமும், மனித வாழ்க்கையும்…

ஜோதிடம் ஜோதிடமும், மனித வாழ்க்கையும்… மனித வாழ்க்கையில் கிரகங்களே பெரும் பங்கு வகிக்கின்றது. அந்த கிரகங்கள் சஞ்சாரம் செய்கின்ற ராசிகளுக்கு ஏற்ப ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் பலன்கள் மாறுபடுகிறது. ராசி என்று வருகின்றபோது மேஷம் முதல் மீனம் வரையில் 12 ராசிகள். இந்த 12 ராசிகள்தான் ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் ராசிகளாகவும், லக்னமாகவும் வருகிறது. ஒரு சிலருக்கு அவர்கள் பிறந்த நேரத்தை வைத்து ராசியும், லக்னமும் ஒன்றாகவே அமைந்துவிடும். ஒருவர் பிறந்த ராசி, லக்னம் எப்படிContinue Reading