இன்று கணினி பயன்பாடுகள் பாடத்துக்கான மாதிரி வினாத்தாளை இந்தக் கட்டுரையில் காணலாம்.
Class: 12 Maximum Marks: 70
Time: 3.00 Hrs – PART-I
Answer all the Questions:- (15×1=15)
1. Expand JPEG
a) joint photo experts gross
b) joint photographic experts group
c) joint processor experts group
d) joint photographic expression group
2. Shortcut to close a document in PageMaker is ______
a) Ctrl + A
b) Ctrl + C
c) Ctrl + B
d) Ctrl + W
3. Which is the MySQL instance responsible for data processing?
a) MySQL Client
b) MySQL Server
c) SQL
d) Server Daemon Program
4. Which of the following must be installed on your computer so as to run PHP script?
a) Adobe
b) windows
c) Apache
d) IIS
5. In parameterized, the parameters are like __
a) Variables
b) Constants
c) String
d) Null value
6. What will be the output of the following PHP code ?
if (-100)
print “hi” ;
print “how are u”;
a) how are u
b) hi
c) error
d) no output
7. What will be the output of the following PHP code ?
for ($x = -1; $x < 10;–$x)
print $x;
a) 123456713910412
b) 123456713910
c) 1234567139104
d) Infinite loop
8. PHP is a __ programming language.
a) Client side
b) Server side
c) Object side
d) file side
9. Which version of PHP supports MySQLi fuctions?
a) Version 2.0
b) Version 3.0
c) Version 4.0
d) Version 5.0
10. Match the period and mehods available on history of computer networking in the Internet
1) 1950 – X.25 TCP/IP
2) 1966 – SAGE
3) 1976 – WAN
4) 1972 – ARCNET
a) 4, 3, 2, 1
b) 3, 4, 2, 1
c) 1, 2, 3, 4
d) 2, 3, 4, 1
11. ————- refer to other host computers by using names rather than numbers.
a) DNS
b) TCP
c) FTP
12. How many bits are used in the IPv6 addresses?
a) 32
b) 64
c) 128
d) 16
13. Which cable is used in cable TV to connect with setup box?
a) UTP cable
b) Fibre optics
c) Coaxial cable
d) USB cable
14. Which is an example of network simulator?
a) simulator
b) TCL
c) Ns2
d) C++
15. G2G systems are classified into
a) Internal facing and external facing
b) Internet facing and Extranet facing
c) Internal flag and external flag
d) Internet flag and Extranet flag
Note: Answer any Six questions. Question number 24 is compulsory (6×2=12)
16. What is desktop publishing?
17. Is PHP a case sensitive language?
18. Define Conditional Statements in PHP.
19. Write any Two rules for input HTML.
20. Difference between wired and wireless networks.
21. What are the types of IP address?
22. Write short note on Open NMS?
23. List the types of micro electronic payments based on its algorithm
24. List few types of business documents that are transmitted through EDI.
Note: Answer any Six questions. Question number 33 is compulsory (6×3=18)
25. Write roles and responsibilities of Production team members.
26. What is relationship in databases? List its types.
27. Write short note on predefined or built-in functions
28. Write the purpose of Looping Structure in PHP
29. Write is the purpose of MySQLi function available.
30. Write short notes on HTTP, HTTPS, FTP.
31. What is meant by null modem cable?
32. Describe how E-Commerce is related to socio-technological changes.
33. Differentiate asymmetric and symmetric algorithms.
Note: Answer any Six questions. Question number 33 is compulsory (5×5=25)
34. Explain in detail about production team Roles and Responsibilities.
How can you convert text in a text block to a frame?
35. Discuss in detail on various types of attributes in DBMS
Explain operators in PHP with example
36. Discuss in detail about User define Functions with a suitable example
Explain the working of Conditional Statements in PHP?
37. Explain in details types of MySQL connection method in PHP.
Explain the different types of relationship mapping.
38. Mention some uses of network at business, home, mobile, social application.
Explain any five E-Commerce revenue models.
மாதிரி வினாத்தாள் உருவாக்கம்: ஆசிரியர் அருண் (A3 குழு), பேராசிரியர் அன்னுசாமி மேல்நிலைப் பள்ளி, புதுச்சேரி