12ஆம் வகுப்பு ஆங்கிலப் பாடத்துக்கான மாதிரி வினாத்தாளை காணலாம்.
Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 90
I. Answer all the questions 20×1=20
1. Choose the most appropriate synonyms of the underlined words in the following sentences.
1. They were childish enough and in many ways quite artless
a. cunning b. innocent c. artful d. pretentious
2. ….no more ridges to traverse, and no more humps to tantalize us with hopes of success
a. tease b. encourage c. persuade d. inspire
3. Liberty is not a personal affair only but a social contract
a. document b. convention c. conviction d. commitment
4. One does not feel wise, braver or more optimistic
a. positive b. encouraging c. inducing d. pessimistic
5. During the next few days in the hospital I experienced not only agony but also anger
a. exasperation b. irritation c. pleasure d. pain
6. There he was sitting in splendour on his chair
a. magnificence b. pomp c. effulgence d. simplicity
7. Replace the underlined idiom with its suitable meaning
Teaching English is my cup of tea
a. one’s a favourite activity b. one’s detestable action
c. an awful moment d. a distasteful activity
8. Replace the underlined word with a polite form of expression
My mother is a house wife
a. Home keeper b. house keeper c. home maker d. house maker
9. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word – paid
a. mal b. dis c.post d.tri
10. Choose the correct American English equivalent for the British English word “fullstop”
a. pause b. period c. termination d. diversion
11. Choose the correct appropriate question tag and complete the sentence
Let us go for a walk …….?
a. do we b. would they c. shall us d. shall we
12. Fill in the blank with the most suitable prepositional phase
…….. rain take an umbrella
a. In favour of b. Incase of c. On behalf of d. Inspite of
13. Choose the correct combination for the compound word “birth place”
a. Noun+Verb b. Noun+Adjective c. Noun+Noun d. Noun+Preposition
14. Choose the correct combination for the blended word “pixel”
a. pix+element b. picture+element c. picture+electronic d. pix+element
15. Choose the right definition for the given term theophobia
a. fear of food b. fear of dream c. fear of god d. fear of home
16. Replace the underlined word with a suitable phrasal verb
The fire was extinguished
a. put up b. put in c. put out d. put off
17. Identify the pattern of the following sentence
The child hid his toy can under the cot
18. Choose the clipped form of Zoological park
a. zoology b. zoo c. park d. logical park
19. choose the most appropriate preposition and complete the sentence
Everyone prayed ——- baby Surjeet’s safe retrieval from the bore well
A. for b. to c. from d. by
20. Choose the best option of the expansion of the abbreviation BCCI
A. Board of Council for Cricket in India
B. Board of Cricket Control in India
C. Board of Cricket Council in India
D. Board of Control for Cricket in India
SECTION 1 4×2=8
I. Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any four sets.
21. For what we thought, had we to fear
With our arms and provender load on load
a. Why were the soldiers confident that they were safe?
b. Pick out the alliterated words
22. Unknown yet well known to the eye of faith,
Ah, I have heard that wail far, far away
In distant lands, by many a sheltered bay
a. What does the word “wail” denote?
b. What is the poetic device employed here
23. All world’s a stage
And all the men and women merely players
a. To what the world is compared to?
b. Identify the figure of speech employed in the second line
24. Like a huge python winding round and round
The rugged trunk indented deep with scars
a. What is a python?
b. What is the figure of speech used here?
25. Thro’ scudding drifts the rainy Hyades
Vext the dim sea: I am become a name
a. What is the meant by hyades ?
b. Identify the figure of speech
26. You’re wounded! Nay, his soldier’s pride
Touched to the quick he said:
a. Why did the boy contradict Napolean’s words ?
b. Why was his pride touched
Answer any three of the following questions
27. Change the following into direct speech
The little boy exclaimed sorrowfully that his dog was dead
28. Rewrite the sentence using positive form of degree
The pen is mightier than the sword
29. Rewrite as directed
Teach me swimming (change the gerund to infinitive)
30. If I had seen you, I would have greeted you (begin with had)
I Explain any two of the following with reference to the content 2×3=6
18. How this shameful tale can be told?
19. Blent with your images, it shall arise
20. Bringing changes into a world resenting change
II Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 words 2×3=6
21. The boys did not spend much on clothes and food. Why?
22. What was the profound lesson that Barnard learnt from the boys ?
23. Why did not maamaanar hand over the chair to the villages to retain it?
III Answer any three of the following questions in about 30 words each 3×3=9
24. Study the pie diagram and answer the questions given below Navin’s personal expenses – monthly income Rs 8000
a) What percentage of Naveen’s income is spent on boarding and lodging?
a)65% b)40% c)20% d)30%
b) What is his cheapest hobby?
a) Entertainment b) Travelling c) Sports d) Reading
C) His boarding and lodging expenses are Rs 3200 what does it mean?
a) He eats too much.
b) Rents and food cost high.
c) He needs comfort.
d) He doesn’t have a home.
25. Rearrange the shuffled words and frame into meaningful sentence.
a) all over the world/ keeps/ of our company travelling/ to attend conferences/ the chair person
b) in Tamilnadu/ Krishnaswami Narayan/ born on October 10/ at Chennai/ 1906/ was
c) truth and honesty /always/ stands for/ my father
26. Complete the proverb using the words given below.
a) One_____ does not make a summer (swallow, crow, parrot)
b) Distance lends ____ (beauty, enchantment, happiness)
c) ____ Water runs deep (Cool, Still, Cold)
27. Expand the following headlines.
a) Committee to implement New Policy of Education
b) Museum to showcase Keeladi artefacts
c) Telephone customers to get video phone
Answer the following 7×5=35
Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words.
28. a) Summarise George Orwell’s distinctive ideas in ‘A NICE CUP OF TEA’
b) Narrate the humorous incidents that happened in the author’s home before and after the arrival of the chair.
29. Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words
a) How safe was the castle? How was it conquered?
b) The young soldier matched his emperor in courage and patriotism. Elucidate your answer.
30. Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the hints.
a) Pi_ stranded_ in the Pacific – on a lifeboat _ no food _ no water _ three days_ found Richard Parker _ on a board_ a hyena also_ thirst_ over powered_ fear _ Richard Parker_ close by_ found _water cans_ came back to senses _ elixir of life _ understands _ Richard Parker’s help_ left him _ Jungle_ reunited with family
b) Life of Venus_ other planet_ raining_ for seven years_ school children_ nine years old _ forgotten the sun_ appeared once in 7 years_ Margot from earth _ came five years before_ children hated her_ locked her in a room_ sun came_ only for two hours _ rained again_ unlocked the door _ let Margot out _ missed the chance
31) Write a summary or make notes of the following passage
a) A volcano is a vent in the earth crust having funnel shaped hollow from which eruption or flow of hot material called lava takes place. It is caused by magma forcing its way to the earth’s surface. Before the flow of lava, rock fragments and ashes are also thrown into air. When the lava ejected by a volcano is thick its goes a accumulating round the vent and forms a conical hill with further accumulation of lava in this way it forms a high mountain called a volcanic mountain. The mouth of the volcano which looks like a bowl is crater. When a volcano remains inactive for a long period, the rain water accumulates in the crater and forms a lake called a Crater lake. Sometimes lava comes out through deep fissures. This type of lava ejection is called fissure eruption. Some volcanoes emit lava, ashes, steam gases etc. frequently. They are called active volcanoes, the barren island volcanoes in the Andaman Islands, Etna in Sicily and Stromvolli in the Mediterranean Sea are good examples. There are about 450 active volcanoes in the world. Volcanoes that have remained in active for quite a long period are sleeping or dormant volcanoes such volcanoes are very dangerous because they suddenly rise to activity Vesuvius near Naples in Italy is the example of this type of volcano.
b) Write a paragraph on Women Empowerment.
32. Read the following advertisement and prepare a bio-data considering yourself fulfilling the conditions specified
Young and experienced graduates to work as Sales Representative for the various branches of our pharmaceutical company
Apply to
The General Manager,
Sathya Pharmaceuticals,
b) Write a letter to your friend sharing your travel experience to Mahabalipuram.
33. a) Read the following sentences and spot the errors
1) Your counsel will benefit to me
2) The deer runs fastly
3) If you walked fast, you will catch the bus
4) He congratulated me for winning the election.
5) I lived in this house for five years.
b) Fill in the blanks appropriately
1) Dravid is a ____cricketer in the ____ country of the India (populous/popular)
2) In primitive times, stone implements____ (employ) to kill animals (suitable form of verb)
3) You _____not return the money (use a semi modal verb)
4) _________ Gandhi, ahimsa means infinite love (use suitable prepositional phrase)
34. a) Read the following passage and answer the question given below Can you possibly recall your thoughts as a baby? Is it in fact possible to remember everything that happened in your life?
Many psychologists believe that everything we learn is permanently store in our mind, although we may not be able to recall certain details. So what exactly is the connection between brain and mind? Brain is the physical object, safely enclosed inside our skulls. But where is the mind? From where can you retrieve that particular memory? Is there any way you can search through your brain for a memory just as you would search the shelves of a library for a particular book?
From 1934 onwards for about two decades a Canadian neuro-surgeon called Wilder Penfield accidentally learned that memory occupy fixed locations in our brains while searching for the source disease called epilepsy. He used electric probes to stimulate the brain of patients. He found that your face, ears, eyes, nose and spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the rest of our body. The spinal cord is made of a bundle of nerves running up and down the spine, and is like a superhighway, speeding message to and from the brain at every second. Balanced on top of our spines, the brain contains about 100billion neurons which are nerve cells that can transmit information using chemical or electrical impulses.
1) What do many psychologists believe?
2) For how many decades did Wilder Penfield make an analysis about memories?
3) What is epilepsy?
4) Mention the function of the spinal cord?
5) Which are called as nerve cells?
b) Develop the following hints into a story.
A rich farmer – lot of land- two sons- happy life- sons grown – youngerson unhappy- asked his share – got it – sold them all – fell into bad ways – became poor – understood his mistake – returned to family.
மாதிரி வினாத்தாள் உருவாக்கம்: ஆசிரியர் சாமுண்டீஸ்வரி (A3 குழு), முதுகலை ஆங்கில பட்டதாரி ஆசிரியர், அரசு பெண்கள் மேல்நிலைப் பள்ளி, மாத்தூர், கிருஷ்ணகிரி.