ICF Chennai Recruitment - 25 Sports Person Post..!

Integral Coach Factory invites ONLINE applications from outstanding Sports persons, who are Indian citizens for Recruitment to posts in Pay Level-1, Pay Level-2 and Pay Level-5 of ih Central Pay Commission (CPC) against Sports Quota (Open Advertisement) for the year 2023-24. This online facility will be available in the Official website @ https://pb.icf.gov.in/ from 10.11.2023 to 09.12.2023.

ICF Recruitment 2023  [Quick Summary]

Organization Name: Integral Coach Factory
Notification No: PB/RR/39/ Sports-Open/ 01/2023-24 Dated: 10.11.2023 
Job Category: Central Govt Jobs 
Employment Type: Regular Basis
Total No of Vacancies:  25 Sports Person Posts
Place of Posting:  Chennai
Starting Date:  10.11.2023 
Last Date:  09.12.2023 
Apply Mode: Online
Official Website  https://pb.icf.gov.in/

Latest ICF Sports Person Vacancy Details:

ICF Invites Applications for the Following Posts

SI No Name of Posts No. of Posts
1. Level-5 02
2. Level-2 08
4. Level-1 15
  Total 25

Recruitment to posts in Level-5, Level-2 & Level-1:

Educational Qualification:  

ICF Sports Person Eligibility Criteria:

1. Senior Clerk (Level-5) – Degree from recognized university
2. Junior Clerk (Level-2) – 12th(+2 stage) or its equivalent examination
3. Technician Gr. III (Level-2) – 10thPass. OR 10thPass plus course completed Act Apprentice / ITI certificate granted by NCVT in relevant trades.  The training period for such sports quota appointees will be 3 years, unless they possess ITI qualification in the relevant engineering trades, in which case it will be 6 months.
4. (Level-1) – 10th pass or ITI or equivalent or National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by NCVT.
Those selected as Senior Clerk/Junior Clerk are required to acquire proficiency in 2.2 Typewriting of 30 wpm in English or 25 wpm in Hindi within a period of FOUR years from the date of appointment, else his/her appointment will be treated as provisional till such time that he/she passes the typing test.

Level 5:

CATEGORY -A Represented the country in Olympic Games (Senior Category)


CATEGORY -B Atleast 3rd position in any of the category -B championships/events:-

 i) World Cup (Junior/Youth/Senior)

ii) World Championships (Junior/Senior)

iii) Asian Games (Senior)

iv) Common Wealth Games (Senior)

v) Youth Olympics

Level 2:


Represented the country in any of the category -B championships/events:-

i) World Cup (Junior/Youth/Senior)

ii) World Championships (Junior/Senior)

iii) Asian Games (Senior)

iv) Common Wealth Games (Senior)

v) Youth Olympics



At least 3rd Position in any of the category -C championships/events:-

i) Commonwealth Championships (Junior/Senior Category)

ii) Asian Championships/Asia Cup (Junior/Senior Category)


iii) South Asian Federations (SAF) Games (Senior Category)

iv) USIC (World Railways) Championships (Senior Category)

v) World University Games


At least 3rd Position in Senior/Youth/Junior National Championships.


At least 3rd Position in National games organized under the aegis of Indian Olympics Association.


At least 3rd Position in All India Inter university Championship organized under the aegis of Association of Indian Universities. (OR) 1st Position in the Federation Cup Championship (Senior category).


CATEGORY-C Represented the country in any of the category -C championships/events:-

i) Commonwealth Championships (Junior/Senior Category)

ii) Asian Championships/Asia Cup (Junior/Senior Category)

iii) South Asian Federations Games (Senior Category)

iv) USIC (World Railways) Championships (Senior Category).

v) World University Games.


At least 3rd Position in the Federation Cup Championship (Senior category).


Represented a State or Equivalent unit, with at least 8th position in Senior National Championships.

In addition to the above, candidates possessing the under mentioned sports norms are also eligible to apply.

At least 3rd position in Youth/Junior National Championships.


At least 3rd Position in National games organized under the aegis of Indian Olympics Association.


At least 3rd position in All India University Championships organized under the aegis of Association of Indian Universities.

Age Limit: (As on 01.01.2024)

1. Senior Clerk (Level-5) – 18-25 years
2. Junior Clerk (Level-2) – 18-25 years
3. Technician Gr. III (Level-2) – 18-25 years
4. (Level-1) – 18-25 years

ii) No age relaxation (Upper or Lower) shall be permissible for recruitment through open advertisement.

iii) Candidates must mandatorily upload scanned copy of their Age proof Certificates (Matriculation or 10th Certificate indicating date of birth) while filling up the online application form and the original copy of age proof certificate must be produced during Document verification.

Selection Process:

– The candidates who apply in response to this notification and are found eligible for consideration for appointment against sports quota will be assessed based on their performance during Trial & Interview.

– The eligible candidates will be called for document verification before trials.

Application Fee: 

i) Examination fee should be paid online through Internet Banking or Debit or Credit Cards (service charges for payment of fees will be borne by the candidates).
ii) Fee of f 500/- for all candidates, except the Fee concession categories mentioned at SI.No (iii) below.
iii) Fee f 250/- for candidates belonging to SC/ST/Ex-servicemen/Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD), Women, Minorities and Economically Backward Classes with a provision for refunding the same, duly deducting bank charges, if any, to those candidates appearing in the Trials. (Original Community / Relevant Certificates in the prescribed annexure should be provided at the time of document verification for fee exemption).
iv) After successful payment of processing fee through online, a unique Transaction ID starting with “OU’ will be sent by payment gateway system to the registered mobile number. Candidates should preserve this Transaction 10 for future references of payment detail.

How to apply:  

Candidate(s) fulfilling all the above clearly laid down criteria will have to apply online only through the link on the ICF website in the careers webpage under current openings section i.e. https://pb.icf.gov.in/ from 10.11.2023 to 09.12.2023. No other mode of application will be accepted.

Important Dates: 

Starting Date for Submission of Application 10.11.2023
Last date for Submission of Application 09.12.2023

Official Notification & Application Link:

ICF Official Website Career Page Click Here
ICF Official Notification PDF Click Here
ICF Online Application Form Click Here