Intelligence Bureau Recruitment - 995 Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Post..!

Intelligence Bureau (IB) invites Online applications for the recruitment of 995 Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade-II/ Executive i.e. ACIO-II/Exe Posts. This online facility will be available in the Official website @ from 25.11.2023 to 15.12.2023. Before applying for the recruitment, candidates must carefully read the IB ACIO-II/Exe 2023 notification and ensure their eligibility.

Intelligence Bureau (IB) Recruitment 2023 [Quick Summary]

Organization Name:Intelligence Bureau (IB)
Job Category:Central Govt Jobs 
Employment Type:Regular Basis
Total No of Vacancies: 995 Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade-II/ Executive i.e. ACIO-II/Exe Posts
Place of Posting: All Over India 
Starting Date: 25.11.2023 
Last Date: 15.12.2023 
Apply Mode:Online
Official Website 

Latest Intelligence Bureau (IB) Vacancy Details:

Intelligence Bureau (IB) Invites Applications for the Following Posts

Post NameRankNo of Posts
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade-II/ Executive i.e. ACIO-II/ExeUR377

Eligibility Criteria:

Educational Qualification:

Essential Qualification: Graduate or its equivalent examination of a recognized university
Desirable Qualification: Knowledge in Computers

Age Limit: (As on 15.12.2023)

1. ACIO-II/Exe – 18 to 27 Years


The Upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST; 3 years for OBC, 10 Years for Persons with Disabilities (15 years for SC/ST PWD’s & 13 years for OBC PWD’s) and for Ex-S as per Govt. of India rules. Candidates Relaxation in Upper Age limit will be provided as per Govt. Rules. Go through Intelligence Bureau (IB) official Notification 2023 for more reference

Salary Details:

1. ACIO-II/Exe – Level 7 (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400) in the pay matrix plus admissible Central Govt. Allowances

Selection Process:

Intelligence Bureau (IB) may follow the following process to select the candidates.

1. Tier-I & Tier-II (Written Exam)
2. Tier-III (Interview)
Exam Centers in Tamilnadu: Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Salem, Tiruchirappalli, Tirunelveli & Vellore
IB ACIO-II/Exe Syllabus & Exam Pattern: Click Here

Application Fee: 

– Exam Fee Rs.100/-


– Recruitment Processing Charges: Rs.450/-

Which are required to be paid as under:

Name of the CommunityFee Details
Male Candidates of UR, EWS and OBC Categories.Exam Fee + Recruitment Processing Charges
All SC/ST all Female Candidates  & All ExamRecruitment Processing Charges Only
Note: The applicants shall pay the Application Fee as indicated in the Table Above through Online Payment Mode Only.

How to Apply:  

Candidate(s) fulfilling all the above clearly laid down criteria will have to apply online only through the link on the Intelligence Bureau (IB) website in the careers webpage under current openings section i.e. from 25.11.2023 to 15.12.2023. No other mode of application will be accepted.

Important Dates: 

Starting Date for Submission of Application25.11.2023
Closing Date of submission of Application with submission of Online Application Fee through Debit/Credit Card / Net Banking/ UPI etc. (Payment of Application Fee through SBI EPAY LITE payment Gateway)15.12.2023
Last Date of submission of Application Fee through SBI challan (offline branch submission only) * The e-challan generated after submission of online application form will be valid till 04 days from the date of generation of echallan.19.12.2023 (Banking Hours)

Official Notification & Application Link:


Intelligence Bureau (IB) Official Website Career PageClick Here
Intelligence Bureau (IB) Short Notice PDFClick Here
Intelligence Bureau (IB) Official Notification PDFClick Here
Intelligence Bureau (IB) Online Application FormClick Here