ITBP Recruitment - 248 Sports Person Post..!

Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens (MALE & FEMALE) for filling up the 248 vacancies for the Non-Gazetted & Non-Ministerial posts of Constable (General Duty) in Group ‘C’ on temporary basis likely to be made permanent in IndoTibetan Border Police Force against Sports Quota. This online facility will be available in the Official website @ from 13.11.2023 to 28.11.2023. Before applying for the recruitment, candidates must carefully read the ITBP Constable/General Duty (Sports Person) 2023 notification and ensure their eligibility.

ITBP Recruitment 2023 [Quick Summary]

Organization Name:Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force
Job Category:Central Govt Jobs 
Employment Type:Regular Basis
Total No of Vacancies: 248 Constable/General Duty (Sports Person) Posts
Place of Posting: All Over India 
Starting Date: 13.11.2023 
Last Date: 28.11.2023 
Apply Mode:Online
Official Website

Latest ITBP Vacancy Details:

ITBP Invites Applications for the Following Posts

SI NoName of PostsNo. of Posts
1.Constable/General Duty (Sports Person)248

The details of vacancies as per Post Based Roster are as under :-

Eligibility Criteria:

Educational Qualification:  

1. Constable/General Duty (Sports Person) –
Essential Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognised University or Institution
Sports Qualification Players who have participated or won medal(s) in the level of competition given at Para-4(d) of this advertisement from 29.11.2021 to 28.11.2023
Individual event (International/ National): The sportsperson who have participated or won medal(s) in any International Sports events recognized by International Olympic Association as a member of the Indian Team and players who have won medal(s) in any National Games or Championships recognized by Indian Olympic Association Sports Federation of (concerned Sport), Youth/Junior National Championship held from 29.11.2021 to 28/11/2023.
Team event (International/National): In the team event, sportsperson who have won any medal in National Games/National Championships Both (Junior & Senior), recognized by respective Federation/ Association recognized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports or conducted by the Indian Olympic Association during the period of 29.11.2021 to 28/11/2023. while representing State/UT/Sports Control Boards, Sports person should be playing member of the team. However this condition does not apply to medal(s) in international tournaments.
(i) Only Matriculation certificate shall be accepted as a proof for establishing age of the candidates.  
(ii) The candidates must fulfill all eligibility conditions and should be in possession of all certificates on the date of recruitment. Candidates not in possession of education/ sports certificates on the date of recruitment shall not be eligible for recruitment.
(iii) All educational certificates other than Central Board/State Board shall be accompanied with Government notifications declaring the equivalence of such qualification for service under Central Government.

Sports Qualification:-

(i) Only those players who have participated or won medal(s) in the levels of competition mentioned in table below during the period from 29/11/2021 till 28/11/2023 are eligible to apply.


(ii) Candidate will be given marks for any one highest medal secured by him/her during 29/11/2021 till 28/11/2023. If any candidate has secured more than 01 medal in particular competition, in that case he/she shall be awarded marks for only the highest medal/Position secured in the competition and marks given to him for separate competitions shall not be included in overall sports achievements.

(iii) Marking will be done as per table given below :-

Order Of Preference:-

(i) First Preference: Candidates who have represented the country and won medals in order of their priority i.e. Gold/Silver/Bronze in an International Competition in senior Junior or in youth categories with the clearance of the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports(Govt. of India)

(ii) Second Preference: Candidate who have represented and won medal(s) or positions up to 3rd place in the Senior or Junior National Championship/Games organized by the recognized National Sports Federation or National Games organized by Indian Olympic Association.

Age Limit:

Age-18 to 23 years. Cut off date for determining age will be 28.11.2023 i.e. last date of submission of online applications.

(i) The upper age limit is relaxable for 05 years to Unreserved candidates (additional 05 years i.e. 5+5=10 years in case of SC/ST and OBC NonCreamy Layer (NCL) by three (3) years i.e. 5+3=8 years).

(ii) Upper age limit is relaxable up to 5 years for Departmental candidates with three years continuous service and in addition 5 years age relaxation for Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe and 3 years for Other Backward Classes (NCL) who compete along with candidates from open recruitment.

(iii) Candidates should note that only the Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation certificate available on the date of submission of application will be accepted for determining the age and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.

(iv) Candidates claiming age relaxation on basis of OBC (NCL) status may note that certificate on non-creamy layer status should have been obtained within three years before the closing date of online application i.e. 28TH November,2023 (28/11/2023).

Salary Details

1. Constable/General Duty (Sports Person) – Level-3 Rs. 21,700-69,100/-
Other allowances– The post will carry Dearness Allowance, Ration Money, Washing Allowance, Special Compensatory Allowance while posted in specified border areas, free uniform, free accommodation or HRA, Transport Allowance, Free Leave Pass, Free medical facilities and any other allowance as admissible in the Force from time to time under the rules/instructions. On appointment the candidates POSTS BASIC PAY IN REVISED PAY MATRIX (as per 7th CPC) CONSTABLE/GENERAL DUTY (SPORTSPERSONS) Level-3 Rs. 21,700-69,100/- shall be entitled for the pension benefits as per the New Restructured Defined Contributory Pension Scheme applicable for the new entrants to the Central Government Services w.e.f. 01.01.2004/as per the order of the Central Government from time to time.

Selection Process:

ITBP may follow the following process to select the candidates.

1. Documentation
2. Physical Standard Test (PST) and Detailed Medical Examination

Application Fee: 

Male candidates belonging to Unreserved(UR), Other Backward Classes(OBC) and Economically Weaker Section(EWS) category applying for recruitment to the post of Constable(GD) under Sports Quota should pay Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) as application fee through the ITBP Recruitment website Application received with any other mode of fee payment will be summarily rejected. Fees are exempted for females and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) category.

How to Apply:  

Candidate(s) fulfilling all the above clearly laid down criteria will have to apply online only through the link on the ITBP website in the careers webpage under current openings section i.e. from 13.11.2023 to 28.11.2023. No other mode of application will be accepted.

Important Dates: 

Starting Date for Submission of Application13.11.2023
Last date for Submission of Application28.11.2023

Official Notification & Application Link:

ITBP Official Website Career PageClick Here
ITBP Official Notification PDFClick Here
ITBP Online Application FormClick Here