"Mars" appears closest to the Earth - Rare Occurence

Today, 8th December 2022 is Full Moon day. As surrounded by thick Nimbus and Cumilous clouds the next 3 days will be visible in a shadowed spheare. The astronomy refer this Full Moon day as ‘Cold Moon’. The moon will be accompanied by Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. Mars will be very closest to the Earth this day and these planets too will be visible to the naked eye. This event, however, is a rare one as the Moon will eclipse the red planet which is currently in ‘opposition’ meaning in a straight line with the Earth and the Sun. As per the report of NASA, the ‘Cold Moon’ will appear full for the next three days until it starts falling into the Earth’s shadow. It is also called the Long Night Moon because the full moon in December occurs near the solstice, which has the longest night of the year.