The recent appearance of US B-1B supersonic bombers at a joint drill with India near the disputed China-India border has raised questions about the intentions behind the move. While some analysts see it as a clear indication of the US’s desire to push India towards an aggressive stance against China, others suggest that India may opt for a more balanced approach.
The B-1B bombers will be taking part in Exercise Cope India, which is being held near the Chinese border. The move has been seen as an attempt by the US to highlight its partnership with India and to encourage the country to adopt a more offensive strategy against China.
However, some experts have pointed out that India is likely to continue its balancing act with China, rather than stoke rivalry between the two countries. Fudan University professor Wang Dehua said that India is keen to maintain its friendly ties with China and will not want to be seen as taking sides.
Meanwhile, former PLA instructor Song Zhongping has warned that China needs to be wary of the growing military cooperation between India and the US. He suggested that the US’s intentions in sending the B-1B bombers were clear, and that the move was aimed at provoking the relationship between China and India.
Despite these concerns, some observers have suggested that the joint drill could also have positive implications. Indian defence analyst Brahma Chellaney said that the exercise would enhance India’s air combat capabilities and would send a strong signal to China.
Overall, the appearance of the B-1B bombers at the joint drill has raised tensions in the region and highlighted the growing strategic rivalry between the US and China. While India is likely to continue its balancing act, it remains to be seen how China will respond to the increased military cooperation between India and the US.
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