Naval Dockyard Recruitment - 275 Apprentice Post..!

Naval Dockyard invites applications for recruitment of 275 Trade Apprenticeship Training Posts. The applicants are requested to Download Application Form through Official Website @ The last date for the receipt of application along with enclosures is 01.01.2024.

Naval Dockyard Recruitment 2023  [Quick Summary]

Organization Name:Naval Dockyard Apprentices School, Visakhapatnam, [DAS (Vzg)]
Notification No:DAS (V) / 01 / 23
Employment Type:Apprenticeship Training 
Duration:One Year
Total No of Vacancies: 275 Trade Apprenticeship Training Posts
Place of Posting: Visakhapatnam
Starting Date: 20.11.2023 
Last Date: 01.01.2024 
Apply Mode:Offline
Official Website 

Latest Naval Dockyard Vacancy Details:

Naval Dockyard Invites Applications for the Following Posts

SI NoName of PostsNo. of Posts
1.Electronics Mechanic36
3.Sheet Metal Worker33
5.Mechanic (Diesel)23
6.Pipe Fitter23
8.Painter (General)16
9.R & A/C Mechanic15
10.Welder (Gas & Electric)15
12.Instrument Mechanic10
13.Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance06

Eligibility Criteria:

Educational Qualification:


1. Electronics Mechanic – ITI Trade in Electronics Mechanic & Mechanic (Radio & T.V.)
2. Fitter – ITI Trade in Fitter
3. Sheet Metal Worker – ITI Trade in Sheet Metal Worker
4. Carpenter – ITI Trade in Carpenter
5. Mechanic (Diesel) – ITI Trade in Mechanic (Diesel)
6. Pipe Fitter – ITI Trade in Plumber
7. Electrician – ITI Trade in Electrician
8. Painter (General) – ITI Trade in Painter (General)
9. R & A/C Mechanic – ITI Trade in R & A/C Mechanic
10. Welder (Gas & Electric) – ITI Trade in Welder (Gas & Electric)
11. Machinist – ITI Trade in Machinist
12. Instrument Mechanic – ITI Trade in Instrument Mechanic
13. Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance – ITI Trade in Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance & Millwright Maintenance Mechanic
14. Foundryman – ITI Trade in Foundryman

Note: SSC / Matric / Std X 50% (aggregate) & ITI (NCVT/SCVT) 65% (aggregate)

Age Limit:

No upper age restriction for apprenticeship training as per Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) office memorandum No. F.No. MSDE-14(03)/2021 AP-(PMU) dated 20 Dec 21. Minimum age is 14 years and for hazardous occupations it is 18 years according to ‘The Apprentices Act 1961. Accordingly, candidates born on or before 02 May 2010 are eligible.



Admissibility of monthly stipend is based on Section 13 of ‘The Apprentices Act 1961 and ‘The Apprenticeship Rules 1992 read in conjunction with ‘The Apprenticeship (amendment) Rules 2019’ and Apprenticeship (amendment) Rules, 2022. These are briefly Rs.7700/- for one year and Rs.8050/- for two years of ITI certificate holders.

Selection Process:

Naval Dockyard may follow the following process to select the candidates.

1. Written Examination
2. Interview  

How to apply:  

Procedure for Applying for Apprenticeship:

Candidates to follow the laid down procedure for applying apprenticeship training.


 (a) Candidates have to first register themselves in online portal at under National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) mandatorily.

(b) Before registration, candidate must ensure that name and date of birth in both Aadhar card and SSC / matriculation certificate are same. Otherwise, change the details in Aadhar card according to the SSC certificate.

(c) Open web portal. Click on ‘Register’ module in the home page and click on ‘Candidate’ form drop down menu.

(d) Candidate registration page would open. Fill up the all basic details like name, DOB, valid e-mail address, mobile number etc. correctly and submit. Post submission, a system generated auto mail would be received through e-mail for profile activation. Activate profile to complete registration.

(e) After registration, login to web portal with the username (registered mail id) and password. Enter educational details, contact address, trade preference, Aadhar, PAN & bank details, community etc., upload all supporting documents and validate Aadhar number to complete 100% profile completion.

(f) Thereafter, click on ‘Apprenticeship Opportunities’ in the home page and click on ‘Search by Establishment Name’ from menu and enter “NAVAL DOCKYARD” (Establishment ID: E08152800002) in capital letters and select Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam. A list of trades operated in Naval dockyard, Visakhapatnam will be displayed. Then select “Apply” against the desired trade. Any further instructions may be followed as per the apprenticeship portal guidelines.

(g) After applying for trade, take printout of complete profile for forwarding to DAS (Vzg) along with application.

(h) Take printout of two copies of hall ticket format placed at Annexure – I of this advertisement and duly fill with ball point pen and paste recent passport colour photograph at earmarked box.


(j) Apprentice profile, two original hall tickets and all relevant documents along with check-off list placed at Annexure – II of this advertisement indicating status of enclosed documents are required to be forwarded in an envelope cover (Write trade name on application envelop cover) to “The Officer-in-Charge (for Apprenticeship), Naval Dockyard Apprentices School, VM Naval Base S.O., P.O., Visakhapatnam – 530 014, Andhra Pradesh” by Post. This would be considered as the off-line application for the purpose of enrollment.

(k) Last date of receipt of applications at DAS (V) is 01 Jan 2024.

Important Dates: 

Starting Date for Submission of Application20.11.2023
Last date for Submission of Application01.01.2024

Official Notification & Application Link:


Naval Dockyard Official Website Career PageClick Here
Naval Dockyard Official Notification & Application Form PDFClick Here
NAPS Apprenticeship Registration Portal LinkClick Here