he Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has implemented a new rule starting from May 1, 2023, that bans stock brokers and clearing members from using their clients’ funds for bank guarantees. This move aims to mitigate the potential systemic risks posed by the practice and ensure greater protection for investors’ funds. While some brokers have expressed concerns about the increased working capital requirement, this circular is a step in the right direction towards ensuring greater accountability in the securities market and protecting the interests of investors.
Brokers usually pledge their clients’ funds with banks to obtain bank guarantees for higher amounts, creating a significant disparity between their true net worth and the guarantees utilized for trading. This practice exposes the market and clients’ funds to risks, and Sebi has expressed concern over it. To address this issue, Sebi has mandated that brokers must use their own working capital to obtain greater Clearing Corporation limitations, thereby increasing their working capital demand.
This circular will only affect brokers who have the practice of pledging clients’ funds to create bank guarantees for their own use and increase the leverage and risk exposure of clients. For brokers who have already fallen in line with the recent implementations of Segregated Margin Reporting and online client-wise/segment-wise allocation of client collaterals, this circular would only be of academic interest.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Sebi have been closely monitoring the collateral system due to the potential systemic risks posed by the practice. The new ruling aims to mitigate these risks and ensure greater protection for investors’ funds. Tradeplus welcomes Sebi’s recent move to prohibit the utilization of clients’ funds for the creation of bank guarantees.
Brokers must ensure that their own funds are not affected by this new framework. To make sure everyone plays by the rules, Sebi will monitor and report on any violations of this circular and ensure that brokers comply with the provisions within the stipulated timeframe.
Sebi’s new ruling is a step towards ensuring greater accountability and transparency in the securities market. By banning the use of clients’ funds for bank guarantees, Sebi has taken a bold step towards protecting the interests of investors and mitigating systemic risks.
#Sebi #StockBrokers #ClearingMembers #BankGuarantees #Investors #SystemicRisks #Accountability #Transparency #WorkingCapital #SegregatedMarginReporting #Collaterals #ReserveBankOfIndia #Tradeplus #Compliance #Circular #Regulations #MarketRisk #ClientFunds #RiskExposure