PM Modi Warns of Deepfake Threat, Urges Vigilance - Kruthiga V S

Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted deepfakes as a significant threat to the Indian system, emphasizing their potential to cause chaos in society. During a Diwali programme at the BJP’s headquarters, he urged both citizens and the media to remain vigilant against the misuse of artificial intelligence for creating deepfakes.

The Prime Minister’s concerns echo India Today’s recent deep dive into the challenges posed by deepfakes, especially in the context of electoral democracy during ongoing assembly elections. PM Modi referenced a deepfake video of himself engaging in Garba, emphasizing the need for awareness about such deceptive content. He acknowledged a real video featuring his lookalike, Vikas Mahante, not him.

In the viral video, Mahante was seen dancing with women on a Garba stage, later clarified by India Today Fact Check. The PM underscored the importance of media educating the public about deepfake threats and distinguishing between genuine and manipulated content.

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