After eight years of excavation, the Keeladi archaeological site near Madurai in Tamil Nadu has been found to be a significant discovery in ancient Indian history. The site, located on the banks of the Vaigai river, shows evidence of a sophisticated urban settlement during the Sangam Period in Tamil Nadu. However, recent debates have emerged about whether Keeladi is Harappan or pre-Harappan.
According to Superintending Archaeologist Amarnath Ramakrishna, who submitted a detailed excavation report of the site to the Archaeological Survey of India, this debate is pointless. Ramakrishna’s report details the artefacts unearthed and how the settlement grew, providing evidence of the site’s importance.
Experts have noted that the settlement’s dates broadly coincide with the Sangam Period, a significant phase for Tamil art and literature. The site’s ninth season of excavations is scheduled to take place in 2023 under the Tamil Nadu State Department of Archaeology.
Keeladi’s discovery has shed light on the rich and complex history of ancient India. It is essential to continue exploring and understanding these ancient sites to gain a deeper understanding of our cultural heritage.
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