India has emerged as the fifth-largest contributor to the US tourism industry, with a projected 30% growth expected in 2024. Staci Mellman, Chief Marketing Officer of Brand USA, revealed insights into this trend, highlighting the influence of a burgeoning middle class and younger travelers.
Indian tourists exhibit substantial spending power, surpassing global averages and contributing significantly to the $173.9 billion spent by international visitors in the US. The surge in spending aligns with improvements in visa processing, enhanced flight connectivity, and an expanded array of tourism offerings.
Despite visa processing challenges, including lengthy wait times of hundreds of days, 1.7 million Indian visitors explored the US in 2023. The Consulate in Hyderabad, processing 3,500 appointments daily, aims to streamline operations further, including weekend processing.
Last year, outbound trips from India were projected to surpass USD 42 billion by 2024, reflecting a burgeoning tourism market. In response, the US seeks to attract more Indian tourists, aiming for 2 million visitors by 2027, according to the US National Travel and Tourism Office.
The news underscores India’s growing importance as a source market for US tourism and the efforts to capitalize on this trend through enhanced bilateral cooperation and infrastructure development.
By : Kruthiga V S
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